The Long Term Plan


The Long Term Plan calls for outpatient maternity services to be redesigned over the next five years, and its target is to reduce face-to-face outpatient visits by up to one third.

The Long Term Plan also aims to ensure that most pregnant women receive continuity of the person caring for them during pregnancy, during birth and postnatally.


How we will support changes


A pathway change is required to deliver these improvements. A vast array of technology is available that has the potential to support these changes. However, most NHS staff do not have the time to explore how these technologies might help them. This is where the Health Innovation North West Coast can help: we have the experience and expertise to support staff in navigating this complex landscape.

We understand the challenges you face and can support you in identifying which types of products are potential solutions.

We have collated below the resources you will need to achieve the improvements you are aiming for.


Maternity perspectives



"Hello My Name is Mandy, I am a biomedical scientist and I work in Patient Safety at the Health Innovation North West Coast.

The key challenge I see day to day visiting the maternity units is staff time – people are really, really busy."


Read the full blog >

The patient's perspective

The midwife's perspective

Current state perspectives

Midwife Sarah loves her job but worries she cannot give the level of care she would like because of her forbidding workload.

Vicky is pregnant with her second child. She discovers she has gestational diabetes and faces a number of other challenges during her pregnancy.



Achievable future perspectives

A number of innovations, including apps and workplace software, have eased the pressures on Vicky, who is pregnant with her third child, while midwife Sarah's experience has also improved.


Innovation insight: useful innovations

We have categorised useful interventions into seven areas. You can see below how these fit into the maternity timeline.

Interactive map of innovations

Select a category for more information


Maternity innovation wheel maternity innovation wheelSelf management Remote monitoring Postnatal support Information sharing Workforce support Diagnostics Communication

Diagnose more quickly and so allow for more appointments


Challenges we can help address

Some health conditions are missed or misdiagnosed because of the everyday pressures associated with delivering maternity services.

Potential benefits from innovations

Mothers-to-be and maternity services both benefit from enhanced diagnostic resources that, for example, can allow women to home-test for a range of conditions.


Diagnostics innovations:



Continuous motion-tolerant respiratory rate monitor for the general ward. 

Find out more

Health Innovation North West Coast Exchange


CO monitoring

Carbon monoxide (CO): antenatal checks algorithm for midwives.

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Device that delivers right-first-time urine analysis, diagnosis and treatment.

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Health Innovation North West Coast Exchange

Digital urinalysis test that can be done by the patient, at home with 99.5% usability.

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Health Innovation North West Coast Exchange




Additional support

Business case support

Critical path analysis

Cost demonstration

Innovation implementation

Innovation signposting

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