Use of portable ECG monitors in GP practices

More than 100 GP practices have use of portable ECG monitors – if they screen 10 patients per month that is potentially 36,000 per year screens. With a potential population prevalence of 2% in a population, that equates to 720 patients diagnosed with AF in a year.

Pioneering Genotype guided dosing for warfarin in the UK

Genotype guided dosing for warfarin means AF patients are anti-coagulated quicker with the correct dose. This method saves time in clinic in additional appointments and could free up 2 clinic visits as well as reducing the risk of stroke window from less effective anti-coagulation

Supporting the Commissioning tool-kit and pathway for the treatment of AF with the Strategic Clinical Network

The North West Coast Commissioning tool-kit and pathway for AF, if applied could potentially save 600 strokes in our region per year – saving £13.8m

The North West Coast AF dashboard, designed in collaboration with Greater Manchester AHSN, to improve the measurement of AF

The North West Coast AF dashboard includes data from NHS Digital (QoF, HES, SSNAP) Rightcare (NCVIN), Prescribing, GRASP-AF and therapeutic effectiveness data and presents it as a dashboard for CCGs and practices to view progress and benchmark within their region. Login details can be obtained from Julia Reynolds.

Introduction of self-monitoring for patients using warfarin

Introduction of self-monitoring for patients on warfarin in Lancashire has resulted in 100 patients using this technology in Primary Care and another 100 planned for the Autumn. Patient Apps are also being used to make this a truly integrated system (MyHealth, InHealthcare and INR Star) 

Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service’s ‘Safe and Well Visits’ where pulses are taken

Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service’s ‘Safe and Well Visits’ involved more than 820 visits so far, with 23 people identified as having an irregular pulse using the MyDiagnostick.

The creation of a network of AF Ambassadors in the region

  • AF Ambassadors are being recruited and supported to take pulses in their community. We are following up people who they have identified.
  • Pulse taking in Lancashire is being supported in Care Homes, Pharmacies and in Primary Care by using a MyDiagnostick.

Supporting the development of digital integration and patient activation in our region

Development of a NWC AF Collaborative in Primary Care to achieve excellence in managing AF

The North West Coast AF Collaborative is supporting 75 GP practices in a programme to support them achieving excellence in identifying AF and reducing numbers of patients who are not managed in accordance with NICE guidance.

All the latest from the Health Innovation North West Coast...